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CHA CHA Dripper Bouquet Server Set

CHA CHA Dripper Bouquet Server Set

Regular price $56.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $56.00 AUD
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This dripper set is perfect for tea drinkers that love the style of the V60. The beautiful fluted cone features our signature heat proof glass and is compatible with standard 02 V60 filters. The paper filter makes for a super clean body by staring out small particles.

Great for large loose leaf teas or fine cut teas. The base of the dripper has a silicone gasket that allows the user to adjust the drawdown speed. Simply turn the dripper in the base for a longer or shorter steep.


This set comes with a dripper, server, and a 40 pack of 02 white, tabbed V60 filters.

Product number: CDB-3012-W
Color: White
Capacity: Dripper: 1-4 cups ; Server: Practical capacity 500mL


Body of cone and server: Heatproof glass (Borosilicate Glass)
Holder: Polypropylene
Packing: Silicone rubber
Filters: Paper


Heatproof glass and filters: Made in Japan
Packing, Holder: Made in China


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This product is safe to use with hot water and a dishwasher. 

This product is not safe for us in microwave, oven, IH stove or open fire.

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